Friday, November 29, 2019

Acne ! Pimples ! Blackheads ! Whiteheads Treating By Homeopathic Medicin...

is an inflammatory disease of sebaceous glands mostly found in adults during
their teenage. During puberty, sex hormones speed up the secretion of oil from
these glands. They are Characterized by seborrhea (red skin), comedones
(blackheads), papules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), nodules, etc. Problems
begin where there is a build up of oil in the narrow gland openings of drainage
passages in the skin. Acne affects skin over face, the upper part of the chest,
back where skin contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands. Because of increased
testosterone levels or androgens mostly found in adults during their teenage.
Acne should not be squeezed as it leads 
to inflammation and scarring. Four main types of acne are 1. White
Heads, 2. Black Heads, 3. Pimples, and 4. Deep Cysts.

treatment is alternate mental state treatment of the patient. Treat the patient
not the disease.
Listen intently and choose the medicine

knowing more, watch the video.