Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sulphur | Homeopathic Medicine Selection By Essay Way | Select Sulphur R...

Sulphur | Homeopathic Medicine Selection By Essay Way | Select Sulphur Remedy By Sehgal Method ROH. I described here 9th patients version from Revolution of Homeopathy series 2 by Dr. M. L. Sehgal. For knowing more watch this video.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Asthma Treated By Homeopathic Sehgal Method | Asthma Homeopathic Medicin...

Asthma Treated By HomeopathicSehgal Method | Asthma Homeopathic Medicine | Mind Method Case - 6. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described about the case of asthma in ROH (Discovery of Homeopathy) series two. Every disease denotes a disorder in a particular organ and is found to stir an emotion linked with it. Dr. M. L. Sehgal sescribed   here altered mental states of the patient. He described here three rubrics 1.
MIND - FEAR - suffering,of, 2. MIND - TALKING - desire to talk to someone, 3. MIND - EXCITEMENT - amel.  LILIUM TIGRINUM (lil-t.)  is common of the seven rubrics. So, LILIUM TIG. 30 was given.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Asthma Treated By Homeopathic Sehgal Method | Asthma Homeopathic Medicin...

Asthma Treated By Homeopathic Sehgal Method | AsthmaHomeopathic Medicine | Mind Method Case -5. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described about the case of asthma in ROH (Discovery of Homeopathyseries two. Every disease denotes a disorder in a particular organ and is found to stir an emotion linked with it. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described   here altered mental states of the patient. He described here three rubrics 1. QUIET; wants to be - repose and tranquillity; desires, 2. ANGER - interruption; from, 3. LONGING - repose for tranquility Nux Vomica (nux-v.) is common of the seven rubrics. So, Nux Vomica (nux-v.) 30 was given. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Asthma Treated By Homeopathic Sehgal Method | Asthma Homeopathic Medicin...

Asthma Treated By Homeopathic Sehgal Method | Asthma Homeopathic Medicine | Mind Method Case - 4. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described about the case of asthma in ROH (Discovery of Homeopathy)
series two. Every disease denotes a disorder in a particular organ and is found to stir an emotion linked with it. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described   here altered mental states of the patient. He described here seven rubrics 1. IMBECILITY 2. FOOLISH behavior 3. IDIOCY - idiotic actions 4. FECTIONATE  5. LOVE - love-sick 6. ANGER - touched; when 7. WEEPING - touched, when  Antimonium
Crudum (Ant. Crud) is common of the seven rubrics. So, Antimonium Crudum (Ant. Crud) 30 was given.

For, details watch the video.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Asthma Treated By Homeopathic Sehgal Method | Mind Method Asthma Treatme...

Asthma Homeopathic Treatment By Sehgal Method | Mind Technique Part – 2. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described about the case of asthma in ROH (Discovery of Homeopathyseries two. Every disease denotes a disorder in a particular organ and is found to stir an emotion linked with it. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described   here altered mental states of the patient. He described here two rubrics 1. MIND – DISCONCERTED. 2 MIND - IRRITABILITY - pain, during. Ignatia is common of the two rubrics. So, Ignatia was given.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Asthma Homeopathic Treatment By Sehgal Method | Mind Technique Part – 1

Asthma Homeopathic Treatment By SehgalMethod | MindTechnique Part – 1. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described about the case of asthma in ROH (Discovery of Homeopathyseries two. Every disease denotes a disorder in a particular organ and is found to stir an emotion linked with it. Dr. M. L. Sehgal described   here altered mental states of the patient. He described here three rubrics 1. MIND - FEAR - extravagance, of  2. MIND - INDIFFERENCE - suffering; to 3MIND - IRRITABILITY - pain, during. Opium is common of the three rubrics. So, Opium was given.

For, details watch the video.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

111. Infectious Disease Prevention By Homeopathy or Homeopathic Medicine to Prevent Infection Part 2

In homeopathy there are many preventive medicine. Homeopathy does not prescribe medicine according to the patient. The patient will be cured of the disease if he is given medicine according to the symptoms of the patient, regardless of whether he is infected with the disease or not. Since the main purpose of homeopathy is treat the patient not the disease.
In this video I describe
and show mental symptoms two cases of the patient. The patients rubrics are MIND
FEAR - disease, of impending - contagious, epidemic
diseases; of,
MIND - FEAR - death, of - impending death; of, MIND - DELUSIONS - images, phantoms; sees, MIND -
attempts to,
MIND - OBJECTIVE, reasonable :
rubric has been taken, MIND - CARES, full of - others, about.
For get more information watch the video.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Eye Floaters Homeopathic Treatment | Homeopathic medicine for Watery Eyes

EyeFloaters are something very common eye condition for that many people visit their eye doctor. Eye floaters can make your vision interrupted as spotted vision will be experienced as a result of this kind of condition. 

There are some specialized ingredients that are being used in these eye drops for reducing or eliminating the symptoms. Though homeopathic remedies are safe, but over dosage of these remedies should be eliminated for avoiding unwanted reactions. Watery eyes may occur as a result of excessive

tear production, inflammation or inadequate drainage of normal tears. Mostly we see in software engineers or people who are using laptop a lot and mobile phones a lot or allergies or infections. Knowing a few homeopathic remedies for watery eyes can prove helpful to cure the condition.

So, homeopathy is known as the best and highly effective way treating eye floaters. As homeopathy is a completely non-surgical procedure, there are no risks and side effects. There are many homeopathic medicine and eye drops that are usually recommended for getting rid of the unwanted symptoms or signs of eye floaters.

Viewer! Which medicine match your symptom that is the sanguine medicine of you. Homeopathic medicine for Eye floaters 1. Lachesis 200 in morning once daily, 2 Ruta 30 twice daily, 3 Physostigma 30 twice daily, 4. Senega Mother Tincture 20 drops 3 times daily with some water, 5. Cineraria Maritima or Euphrasia eye drops 1-2 drops 3 times a day. Cineraria Maritima or Euphrasia is common to all patients for externally use. So, Cineraria Maritima, Calcarea phosphorica, Causticum, Sepia, Calcarea fluorica are some common ingredients in homeopathic medicines used for the treatment of eye floaters. 

For knowing more watch the video.